Monday, October 21, 2019

Bible Resources for the Everyday Woman

Today, I was reflecting on my growth as a Christian. I truly believe it is a lifelong process. As I was reflecting on this I started thinking about the resources that I find most helpful. I rely on resources that truly speak to the everyday woman. You know, like me and you. My husband has a gift for being able to take complex readings, sermons, ideas, etc. and break them down to get the most out of them. I need things rather simple; right to the point; ideas that I can apply immediately. After thinking about the resources I use, I decided to write this post in hopes that you may benefit from my list.

My list is not in any particular order, but the Bible is, of course, number one in the area of importance. I love using the Bible Gateway website. One reason I love using this website is that I can open it up on my iPad and keep the tab opened to mark my spot. This makes it easy for me to pick it up and read (or listen to) anytime. There are many Bible apps that do the same thing, but I tend to ignore/forget about these apps. The opened tab serves as a reminder for me to be in the word. 

Bible Gateway Website

I have a very difficult time memorizing scripture. I’ve tried, but it is just not something I have the gift for. I am familiar with scripture and God helps me call it to mind when I need it, which is really all that matters, but sometimes I want more. If I have a problem and I want to be in God’s word, I use the Topic Bible. I can look up a topic, such as “worry” and read lots of scriptures on the topic. I find this super helpful. The Topic Bible is a great website.

Topic Bible

Sometimes, I struggle with how I want/should spend time with God. My normal morning routine is prayer, devotions, and reading the Bible. I'm retired now, so I have some flexibility in my schedule, but even while I was working I made it a point to spend a half hour in the morning with God before getting ready. I'm a morning person, so this helps. My favorite devotional is Our Daily Bread. I have used this devotional for many, many years. I used to get it as a free booklet, but now I just use the website. I love the real life examples in this devotional. God often uses the stories to speak to my heart and help me grow.

Our Daily Bread

I won’t go into a description for each of the following resources, but each one serves as a tool that helps me in my walk with God.

K-WAVE (I actually use the app)

K-LOVE (Again, I use the app, or radio)

Joyce Meyers - I usually watch her on YouTube - She is super relatable and real!

Christian’s Secret to a Happy Life - (Available as a Kindle and paperback book)
When you first start reading this book it might seem a little difficult to read, but stick with it. There are some great insights.

I'm sure if I thought on this longer I would come up with more resources, but I don't want this post to be overwhelming. In this day and age, there are tons of Bible resources available, but these are the resources that I have found helpful. I hope that you will too. 

God bless you always! Anna 

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