Friday, January 26, 2018

The Ring - God Makes the Impossible Possible

Today I have been reflecting on how God can make the impossible possible. One of my favorite scriptures is Matthew 19:26 - But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. Have you ever had one of those times when there was just no way that something could happen? Well, this story about my ring was one of those times for me.

Growing up, life was pretty crazy. My mother was not someone who could be called “Mother of the Year.”  She lived a rather wild lifestyle. Fortunately, I had my grandmother as a positive role model. As I grew older, joined the army, and had kids of my own I decided that I could no longer have my mother in my life. I just didn't want my children exposed to the craziness, but that is not to say that I don't love my mother, or that I don't have some good memories. One special memory is a memory about a ring that she had. She didn’t really wear it very often. She mainly kept in her jewelry box. I always liked the ring. I would try it on and wish that it were mine. I didn’t even think my mother was aware of how much I liked it, and I’m not even sure why I did. I think at the time I liked it because it was different from all of the other rings that I had seen. Later, the ring became more special to me because of its sentimental value.

When I turned 18 my mother gave me the ring as a birthday gift. I was very surprised and very happy. I kept the ring well into my adulthood. When my daughter got married a few years ago I lent her the ring (something borrowed, something blue). Some  time had passed before I asked my daughter for the ring back. She informed me that she had lost it, and believed it had been left at the hotel in Vegas. Way too much time had passed to have any hope of ever seeing the ring again.

Here was the impossible. There was no way in the world that I could have any hope of ever seeing the ring again.  Even if someone had turned it in, it would have been like a needle in the haystack, and that is if I were even able to get in contact the right people. Anyways, I resolved that the ring was gone forever. I tried not to dwell on it. I didn’t want my daughter to feel bad about it, and after all it was just a material item. On occasion I would find myself thinking about this ring, which I found quite silly, but it did have sentimental value and I knew it was gone forever.

Recently, my thoughts again turned to this ring. The ring that had no chance of ever being found. Then one evening as I was cooking dinner at my daughters house, I heard some commotion going on in the front room. I heard my daughter tell my granddaughter to show me something. Low and behold, it was my ring. The ring that was gone forever. The ring that would be impossible to ever find. My granddaughter had found it in one of the pockets of a bag that my daughter had taken to Vegas three years earlier. I’m kind of ashamed to say how happy I was over a ring, but I don’t really think it was the ring. At that moment, it was God’s overwhelming love, that He would make the impossible possible, even for a ring. My heart was so full of joy over this thought, that I could have burst.

God is absolutely amazing! My heart cries out for those who don’t know God; how wonderful He is; how powerful He is. I know that God works in my life in many ways, but when something like this happens, I have to pause and truly recognize how great He is. Don't give up hope, and remember that all things are possible with God. 

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