Sunday, June 24, 2018

Game On VBS Reflection

My reflections today is a little different. Rather than reflecting on a scripture that I read I am reflecting on a week of Vacation Bible School (VBS). I was blessed to be able to spend last week with a group of Pre K/Kindergarten children. The ages ranged from 3 (not quite Pre K) to 6 years of age. While the 3 year olds were a bit young, we felt it was so important to include them in order to help them grow in the Lord. It was a lot of work, but such a blessing. 

It is definitely true that when God calls you to do something He surely provides. After all of the planning He really brought everything together and blessed us with a wonderful week in the Lord. It was so amazing to watch these little children, God's children, learn more about Jesus and grow in their understanding and love for Him.

Our VBS was the Game On sports theme. The scripture that was the driving force behind the week was 2 Peter 1:3. There were really two great messages behind this scripture and theme. One is that God truly provides us with everything that we need. The other is that in the big game of life we need Jesus. The bible is the rule/play book that helps us know how to live in Christ. 

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.
(2 Peter 1:3 NIV)

Planning for VBS was fun, but it did take some time. I'm sharing some of the ideas I used in case anyone is still in the planning stages of their VBS or maybe just looking for some sport decoration ideas. I purchased some supplies from Party City, some from  Walmart, some from the Dollar Store, and I made a lot of the other stuff.

We used this area for pictures. It made a great backdrop. Ms Rose (my co-teacher) was wonderful enough to have a t-shirt made into a football jersey with Team Jesus written on it. She also made a Tutu for a cheerleader skirt, which with the pom poms was perfect. 

The tables we used had a football table clothe on it, which was very nice. 

Our soccer wall was a fun area. The soccer balls were plates with a soccer ball picture glued onto it. We had extra plates that the kids could throw like a Frisbee at the net. We later added labels with scriptures on them. Everyone got to take one home at the end of VBS. 

I made football jerseys for an extra football wall. I also made some little football cutouts. Everyday we chose a few scripture labels to read, attach to the footballs, and then tape to the wall.

We used this baseball area to explain the Salvation Plan. Ms Rose got together with Ms Koko, the Sunday School teacher, and put this together in a very age appropriate way. 

1st Base -  Black Heart -  is our heart full of sin. 
2nd Base - Red Heart - is for the blood that Jesus shed for the forgiveness of our sins. 
3rd Base - Green Heart - is for the new life we receive when we trust in Jesus as our savior. 
4th Base - Gold Heart - is the prize we receive when we go to heaven. HOME RUN!

I know that all of the children that attended VBS were greatly blessed, but I think that all of the music, craft, kitchen, recreation, youth helpers and teachers were blessed even more. It was a very heart warming and super great experience! 

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Are Tears Prayers?

Today I read a comment that was posted on My Daily Bread in which someone having gone through some struggles mentioned learning that tears were prayers to God. Hmmmm.... I had never heard that before, but I immediately wanted to know if that was true. I wanted to know if it was biblical. It sounded true. It made sense. I mean I know that when we don’t know what to say the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and takes our groaning to God. Isn’t our crying and tears a form of groaning? I really wanted to know more. The first place I looked was on the Topical Bible website (great site). I looked at all of the scriptures that had to do with tears, but it wasn’t quite working for me. I guess I was looking for something that clearly said, "tears are prayers."

After that search didn’t pan out so well I went online and did some reading. Everything kept bringing me back to one scripture. It was Psalms 56:8.

The NKJV reads:
You number my wandering;
Put my tears into Your bottle;
Are they not in Your book?

This was still not realy clear enough for me, so I tried other versions of this verse. The NLT version finally did it for me. Here is what it says:
You keep track of all my sorrows.
You have collected all my tears in Your bottle.
You have recorded each one in Your book.

As I reflected on this translation of the verse I could see that our tears do matter to God. Through our tears we are able to communicate our sorrows to God. Isn’t that prayer? God even collects our tears and records them in His book. That is a pretty good argument for tears being a form of prayer.

I guess as I think about it, my tears and prayers always go together. I know that when I am hurting I cry out to the amazing, wonderful, almighty God of this world. I know that He hears my prayers and will not forsake me. My prayer as I reflect on tears is that God will take every tear shed of both believers and nonbelievers and use those tears to draw them near to Him. We are so blessed that God cares and is watching over us through both good times and bad.

God be with you and bless you always! Amen